Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Goodbye 2008......Hello 2009
Auntie Mary's Party
Donuts in the Morning
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
hunter learns about the difference between boys and girls
hunter grew up a little bit this weekend. he wanted to spend the night at his nana's house on friday, and little did we know that when we picked up on saturday, that he would gain an important bit of knowledge. here's a loose, but similar dialogue of what happened.
HUNTER: (grabbing a doll that used to be brandi's, which nana still has at her house) nana, i be the daddy and you be the mommy!
NANA: okay hunter, who's this (referring to the doll)?
HUNTER: this is baby sawah. she needs a diaper change. i change baby sawah!
NANA: okay hunter.
HUNTER: nana, where's her penis?
NANA: (laughing hysterically at this point) hunter, girls don't have a penis. only boys have a penis.
HUNTER: (totally serious and intense about the conversation) then what do girls have nana?
NANA: (still laughing) girls have a vagina.
HUNTER: a bagina?
and so the conversation continued. luckily, hunter hasn't been totally fixated on this fact the past day, so hopefully, he's taken this piece of information and locked it away for now. i'm hoping the "where do babies come from" question is still a few years down the rode. nobody tells you about these things when you become parents!
HUNTER: (grabbing a doll that used to be brandi's, which nana still has at her house) nana, i be the daddy and you be the mommy!
NANA: okay hunter, who's this (referring to the doll)?
HUNTER: this is baby sawah. she needs a diaper change. i change baby sawah!
NANA: okay hunter.
HUNTER: nana, where's her penis?
NANA: (laughing hysterically at this point) hunter, girls don't have a penis. only boys have a penis.
HUNTER: (totally serious and intense about the conversation) then what do girls have nana?
NANA: (still laughing) girls have a vagina.
HUNTER: a bagina?
and so the conversation continued. luckily, hunter hasn't been totally fixated on this fact the past day, so hopefully, he's taken this piece of information and locked it away for now. i'm hoping the "where do babies come from" question is still a few years down the rode. nobody tells you about these things when you become parents!
Friday, December 5, 2008
disneyland at christmas time
if you know our family, you know that one of things we love to do most is to go to disneyland. and what better time to go than at christmas time! we had a chance to head up there a few days back, and although the fireworks were barely visible because of the fog, it didn't stop us from having a good time!
USC - Notre Dame game pictures
thanks to some of our gracious friends, we had the opportunity to take in the USC - Notre Dame game over thanksgiving weekend. it wasn't much of a game, but the time before and during the game was unreal! i can't wait till we can actually take the boys! here are some pics that we managed to take during the game..
Thursday, December 4, 2008
why i love saturday mornings
i love saturday mornings. the boys and i have started a little ritual that we go through every saturday morning. here's a little peak at what goes on... just one more reason why my boys are the best!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
no wonder it's so quiet!
the family has been a bit under the weather the past few days, but i didn't expect to see what i did this morning. as i was getting ready for work, ethan was a little bit fussy. the past few days, he's been pretty sick... the fever has died down but i think he's been feeling a bit achy and no quite like his usual self. a couple of minutes had gone by and i realized that i hadn't heard him fuss for a couple of minutes. i wondered why it was quiet, so i decided to walk out to the living room. hunter was laying on the couch watching his cartoons and ethan, well, this picture says it all...

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Riding in the wind
Ethan's new facination with leaves
Pumpkin Patch with Daycare
Hunterisms part 1
This is my new favorite picture of Hunter....I love that kid....although he gives me a run for my money everyday, i dont know what life would be like without him....he says the funniest things......and he is SO smart.....
Here are a few "Hunterisms:"
1. Nadim will ask him what day it is.....Hunter says "Its Game Day Daddy...Go USC..."
2. Haffa - means have to
3. Phineas and Ferrobots - this is a song from his favorite show Phineas and Ferb
4. After he gives you a kiss is says: "and no licking"
5. "there is no possibility mommy"
6. When were stopped at a light he screams "come on people!"
7. "I luzs you" - means i love you
8. "I luzs boobs" - means i love bucca boos....or ethan....we need to work on changing this one
9. "That's for gurls....I am a boy."
10. "Mommy where the cheerleaders?"
11. "Hey baby, whats your number?" thanks to House for this one
12. OMYG - thanks to my ET girls
13. Ahhhhh, Tawega - code for ah, talega
and the list continues....everyday.....
Hanging with Papa and Britty
When Nadim was in Sacramento about a week ago, i took the boys over to visit my dad, grandma and sister. We ate lunch and spent the afternoon watching football and playing outside in the was a perfect day.....sunny but with a nice breeze....the boys sat outside for about 2 hours and was are some shots of the boys hanging with my dad and sister.....
Hamper Time
Last Thursday I stayed home with the boys to get some stuff done around the house....when i have a lot of laundry to fold, i will bring it up and fold it in the front room....the boys (especially Ethan) LOVE to play in the hamper, push each other, put toys in it......this was the first time that they both thought to get in the hamper was too cute so here are the pics i was able to capture before Hunter tipped them over.....still need to work on how to get out.....
Ethans first carousel ride
About two weeks ago we took the boys up to Disneyland. When we got there we found out it was closing early for Miley Cyrus' 16th birthday party so we were bummed. The good news is that in the hour and a half we had, we got on quite a few rides. We went on the Jungle Cruise (Hunter's new favorite), Casey Jr. Train, and the carousel. Ethan had never been before so we tried putting him on the ride......he LOVED it!!!! Looks like our future trips to the happiest place on earth will just keep getting better and better.....
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Big Boy
Hunter is getting so big! Every day I look at him I wonder when he stopped being a baby and suddenly became a BIG boy. Although it is sad to see him grow so fast, it is also awesome to know that he is becoming a little person! He is still my little baby and will always be but from the looks of these pictures, i would say that he is a little man. He is adorable that is for sure and before i know it, i will have to be locking him up and protecting him from the masses of girls that i am sure will be chasing him!!!!
King Bucca
Ethan loves blankets and stuffed animals. He has a few animals that he has to have and throughout the day he will squeeze them and give them kisses. He loves blankets too but rarely plays with them because Hunter always has to have all the blankets......when Ethan manages to get one, he likes to have me wrap it around him like a king....i had to take a pic the other night to remember the moment and tell him when he gets older!!!
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