So last weekend was Hunter's 3rd birthday. It is hard to believe that 3 years ago I was in the hospital wondering if I would be able to handle this little bundle of joy. Now, three years later, he is still here so we must be doing something right. Last week, yes i said the week, was entirely devoted to Hunters Birthday. .Sunday was a BIG deal because Hunter got his first Disneyland pass.....I think Nadim was more excited than Hunter was.....All and all, it was a great week!

Here is the PASS.....how cute is he!

Friday we took him to Pizza California Kitchen as he calls it for dinner with his grandparents and great-grandparents....it was AWESOME! Saturday we had a family party at the park with a big cake and a bubble machine....

Nadim took him to make a yogurt on Wednesday (which is a HUGE deal to Hunter at the moment....nothing like watching a little one mix their toppings). Thursday I took him to toys r us where he got a birthday crown and a balloon.....he also got a new Phineas and Ferb video which is another BIG deal at the moment.