As a Father's Day gift for my Hubby and my dad, I decided to get some sweet tickets to an Angels Game. Hunter has never been to a game and I knew Nadim had been dreaming about this day since Hunter was born....needless to say, Hunter was SO good and her had a BLAST. This picture was his reaction when we walked into the stadium and he saw the field.....so sweet!

Here is the gang.....in our sweet 5th row seats.....in right field.....next to Torri Hunter!!! Boy was Hunter excited when he heard his name:)

Time for the National Anthem.....I told him to put his hand over his heart during the song.....he was trying so hard to figure out what the deal was.....bless his heart!

After the National Anthem, they did a two blackhawk helicopter fly by......I got major goosebumps....I loved the movie black hawk down and this moment was so touching for everyone in the stands.....they flew by and then rounded the field.....i get goosebumps just thinking about it!


Hanging out with Papa at the game! RIGHT ON!

Here we are in full game mode.....

Papa bought Hunter his first Rally monkey! I wore it to try to convince him to do the same.....it did not work...until.....

THIS IS THE SHOT OF THE GAME! It does not get better than this!

Hunter met a little girls named Avery who was sitting behid us....they decided to make silly faces with each other for about an inning.....

Hunter learned to do the wave.....took him a few times but soon enough.....

He was up and out of his seat!!

Time to dance with my Rally Monkey.....this was so amazing to watch....he was hilarious!

At the end of the night, we saw the fireworks.....they were so awesome....Hunter was blown away....nothing beats a big bang friday night when you stand under the fireworks.....all and all this was such a fun night.....we will definitely be bringing the little man up again soon.....we already have a dodger game on the calendar dor August.....cant wait!