Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hunterisms part 1

This is my new favorite picture of Hunter....I love that kid....although he gives me a run for my money everyday, i dont know what life would be like without him....he says the funniest things......and he is SO smart.....

Here are a few "Hunterisms:"

1. Nadim will ask him what day it is.....Hunter says "Its Game Day Daddy...Go USC..."

2. Haffa - means have to

3. Phineas and Ferrobots - this is a song from his favorite show Phineas and Ferb

4. After he gives you a kiss is says: "and no licking"

5. "there is no possibility mommy"

6. When were stopped at a light he screams "come on people!"

7. "I luzs you" - means i love you

8. "I luzs boobs" - means i love bucca boos....or ethan....we need to work on changing this one

9. "That's for gurls....I am a boy."

10. "Mommy where the cheerleaders?"

11. "Hey baby, whats your number?" thanks to House for this one

12. OMYG - thanks to my ET girls

13. Ahhhhh, Tawega - code for ah, talega

and the list continues....everyday.....

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