Every summer we look forward to the OC Fair......been that way ever since Nadim and I started dating and now it it turning into our little family tradition. Nadim and I used to go, walk around and eat food but now we ride rides, play games and enjoy other things that the boys love. This was the first year Hunter really wanted to ride on rides and play games.....The pirate ride was the first thing he wanted to go on.....and he wanted to go by himself (proud mommy moment)

Next he saw the big slide and asked to go....Nadim and I thought yeah right but he did.....he climbed up about 15 stairs before he stopped, screamed for Nadim and got some help....I am not sure if you can see the sheer look of panic on his face in the picture but watching him go down the slide was priceless!

One of my favorites moments was this dune buggy ride since everyone went on......I love the smiles on all of their faces! Ethan LOVED it too which was great!

Hunter wanted to play games so naturally I knew to pick one where we could actually win something. We went to the game where you throw the dart at the balloon. Each game you get 2 darts.....so I had nadim throw one and Hunter throw the other.....Nadim popped a balloon but Hunter did not....he wanted to try again and this time he was 2 for 2.....that meant he got to take Teddy Trojan (as we now call him) home.....how cute!

We ran into our friend Roger while we were there....Hunter was excited that he was in his uniform!

Seriously, priceless!

Hutner and Jadyn......we met my family later on and Hunter got to do things all over again once Jadyn came.....the fun never stopped!

Me and my love.....

Bumper car mania.....Hunter was a stud once he learned how to control the car!

There were not many rides Ethan could go on and naturally, we had to go with him so here i am with him in the train ride.....dont know how i fit in there but he loved it! He was steering the wheel and saying choo choo the whole time.....

The boys won light up swords from Randy and his game playing adventures.....here is Ethan playing with Uncle Bill.....so cute!

Ethan got to guard some of the loot we won at the fair....he took his job pretty seriously!

Sweet Hunter man......all and all this was a fun night.....we cant wait to come back again next year.....it will be even better with the boys older than they are now.....who knows, next time Hunter might try a roller coaster again!