it wasn't too crowded, and yeah, it was a little hot out, but the cool breeze more than made up for the heat. and the boys were perfect! both of them had a ton of fun and were very well-behaved!
here's hunter on the tram to get into the park. he thinks that this is one of the best rides that disneyland has to offer. really. his pirate mickey ears were also a must-wear item all day long.
we bought ethan's first set of mickey ears today. as you can see, he was proud to sport his mickey ears. and he's dang cute too!
we've been super-proud of hunter lately. he's growing up super-fast and i hope that i don't jinx myself by saying this, but i think he is slowly making his way out of the terrible twos, but that's a whole different blog post. like i said earlier, he was a very good boy the entire time we were at disneyland so on our way out, we decided to let him pick out a sucker. rather than picking out the biggest sucker that no human being will ever be able to finish, he picked out a cluster of smaller mickey mouse suckers that are a much more manageable size. he knew that with this choice, he wouldn't get one big sucker now that he can't finish, but rather, he would get a cluster of suckers that he could enjoy for days to come. this kid will go far. you heard it first here.
the laughs and good times continued on the way home. this kid can put a smile on anyone's face, at anytime, no matter how bad of a day you're having. i love this kid!
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