About a month ago, Nadim and I decided to sign Hunter up for swimming lessons. He goes two days a week for a half hour at a time. I now feel like a mom in a new sense......my oldest is involved in outside activities. I have enjoyed taking Hunter to lessons, especially on days when I can find someone to watch Ethan. When the lessons started, Hunter was showing no signs of getting past the first step.....half the time I could not get him in the water.....there were lessons taht we had to leave because he would scream.....then there were the ones where he would talk back to the teacher.....at any rate, a week and a half ago we had a break through.....

Now he gets into the pool no problem.....the past two lessons we have been trying to get him to fully go under the water on his own.....first the forehead went, then the eyes, then the ears.....he was so close that I often wanted to go over and push his head down a little more.....terrible I know....so today, bribery was in full effect.....I told hunter that if he got all his hair wet today and went under the water, I would take him to the candy store....he was excited and so was I....by the end of the lesson, he was all the way under the water.....so much so that Melinda (one of his teachers) got worrie for a second. We celebrated when he went all the way under ( a HUGE milestone from where we started) and when we looked in the water, he was still holding his breath.....future swimmer perhaps.....SO, Hunter got to ring the bell........

He was SO excited....when he rang the bell, everyone stopped their swimming and clapped for Hunter....I was a PROUD mommy and even prouder (if that is a word) that I actually had my camera.....as if ringing the bell wasnt enough, Melinda gave Hunter a GOLDEN COIN......

Here he is with his GOLDEN COIN......after we showered, we went to see my friend Kristen, who is the director of the swimming school (Hunter loves her....we always have to go and say hi to her or else the lesson is not complete) He turned in his coin for a prize in the treasure box......

Here he is with Kristen.....and his prize.....its the little spinning top in his hand.....so we got in the car and on the way I reminded him about the candy store. He skipped, jumped, and got really excited when he said "Im gonna get watermelon wedges, M&M's, suckers and gumballs." So I called Nadim and we all met up at the candy store......

HOW CUTE IS HE!!! We spent about 10 minutes in the candy store and Hunter racked up a $10 tab that mommy took care of......contents in bag was: watermelon wedges, sour gummy worms, one tootsie roll pop, a roll of smarties, M&M's in blue, maroon and white, 4 chocolate cars, a 100 grand (for daddy) and a kit kat (for mommy)....all and all it was a GREAT trip to the candy store and and even BETTER swim lesson!!!