The other day, Nadim and I took the boys to run our weekend errands. As most of you should know, target is one of my favorite places to shop......naturally I have passed this love on to Hunter. Whenever we go to Target, all he wants is to look at the toys....so much so that he will continue to ask to see the toys until you take him there. Although it is hard to get shopping done, his excitement when he sees everything is worthwhile. He rarely gets to pick a toy out but I have been looking to get him some more games since is loves to play them. So this time, we went to the toy section and we picked out Disney Yahtzee Junior and the Candyland Preschool Edition (in the pink case might i add.....that is a whole other blog!!) He was so cute when I told him we would by them.....they immediately went into the cart before I could change my mind. After we purchased the games, he thanked Nadim and I and then asked to hold the bag.....hence the picture above.....GOSH! How I love this kid!!!
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