Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Grandpa's Work
Zoomars Petting Zoo
Last week Nadim took a few days off and one of the days, we took the boys to Disneyland. It was pretty warm but we were able to get on some rides. Hunter loves the carousel, Dumbo and his new favorite is Jungle Cruise (we went 2 times!) He did not want to ride Pirates this time which was weird but maybe next time....all and all it was a good day....we ate dinner and got a treat (Hunter took about 15 minutes to pick the stack of suckers he wanted) and headed home for the night....Ethan passed out on the walk to the car.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
ETHS Cheer and Song
The Najms Tackle the OC Fair
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Breanna and Kevin's engagement party
On sunday night we took the boys over to my Aunt Korys house to celebrate the engagement of my cousin and her soon to be hubby. It was so much fun having the family together. All the decorations were amazing as always. My aunt decorated in pink and brown, two colors i love together and will use if we are ever blessed with a baby girl! The food was fantastic....she had peppinos cater it but there was a bunch of snacky foods that i kept eating throughout the was a blast and the boys had so much fun with their family members.....
Here is a picture of the boys with their Uncle Bill.....Hunter especially loves him.....he asks about him a lot of the time.....and he is a USC fan....that helps!!
Here is the happy couple.....they have been together about as long as Nadim and I.....can you believe it.....we are SO happy that they are getting married.....they are a perfect match for each other......
Hunter spent most of the time upstairs in Jadyn's room.....he found her dress up clothes as you can see....Is he really my kid?
While Hunter was playing upstairs, Ethan spent most of his time outside being juggled around from family member to family member. He was comfy for awhile on the table playing with a balloon. He kept moaking at the balloon when he saw it....every once and awhile he would get frustrated with it, hence the face above.....
Here is Hunter with his favorite second cousin, Jadyn. These two are becoming really good friends really fast.....Hunter always wants to play with her, even though he will hit her, pull her hair and wrestle with her.....she is so good with him.....a good little mommy to be.....arent they just adorable?
This is Ethan with Kevin's mom, Karen.....she loves the boys and is always so sweet to them!
This is part of the bridal party....Lauren Jones, me, Breanna, and Laura......i think we are missing Rylee and Lauren Salgado? Anyways.....we are gonna have a blast.....cannot wait!
Here is Hunter devouring his pizza....surprise surprise.....
This is my cousin, Jordan......she is a ballerina and she just got back from San Francisco where she was offered a full scholarship (only 6 people got it) for the next year. She will be leaving in about a week and a half for a whole YEAR! She has worked so hard for this and she is finally able to chase her dreams.....She is so talented and we know she will do well this year. I love this picture....she looks like a model with her hair blowing in the wind (actually it was a fan but no one needs to know that)
Ashley's Shower
Ashley is one of my best friends from the good old days at El Toro. Throughout the past 8 years we have managed to stay in touch throughout college, dating, weddings, babies, and life. Her and her hubby, Travis are one of our closest friends. We love to hangout and do life together. Ash and Trav have played a huge role in our lives and the lives of the boys. They love our boys and our boys love them. The best part about doing life with the Harmors is that now, they are finally getting ready to have their first little baby....a BOY names Graham (whom i have been nagging them for forever!!) We are expecting his arrival at any time this month and this past saturday, we threw her a shower. It was a small shower with close friends and family. We had a blast eating yummy food, playing games and talking about the adventures of parenting. Here are a few pics!
Eric and Alexis
Our boys LOVE to hangout with our friends Eric and Alexis. Eric and I have know each other since before high school and Alexis is now married to Eric. Nadim married them last October just 4 days after Ethan was born. They live up the street from us which is AWESOME because we love to meet up on the weekends for breakfast. These breakfast outings always seem to turn into other events like running errands together, hanging out and having lunch for the day, or coming over to help with furniture. At any rate, we love them and the impact that they have on our boys. They are such amazing friends and we feel so incredibly blessed to have them in our lives.....
Hunter Man
Hunter is getting so big....i cannot believe he is just about 2 1/2 years old. He is a busy man who loves to play with cars, see horses, go to chuck e cheese, eat pizza and get donuts and the donut tore...that is right with the tore (he forgets the "s") Here are a few pics of the hunterman. The best thing about him is that although he is busy and extremely STUBBORN, he is also the sweetest and smartest kid in the world. The little things he thinks about and says throughout the day make be smile and remember how blessed we are to have him!!!
Little "E"
I am currently in the middle of my downtime for El Toro. During these three weeks my goal is to do things with the boys I don't do on a regular basis. Yesterday and today Ethan and I have spent a lot of time bonding. We have been playing with toys, cuddling and cooing in Ethan language. Needless to say, I LOVE THIS LITTLE MAN! He is so sweet and I am so blessed to be spending some alone time with him. Check out how cute he is....wouldnt you love to spend your day with him?
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