Last Thursday night we took the boys to the OC Fair. Hunter absolutely LOVED it. We met up with my mom and Randy, Aunt Kory, Jadyn and Grandma Liz. We eat good food, rode some rides, saw some pig races, checked out the cows and horses and played some games. Hunter experiences his first rollercoaster, which he hated if you cannot tell by the picture above.....

This is my Grandma Liz, My Aunt Kory, my mom and I. We rarely take family pics like this so i decided to seize the opportunity....the pic looks great!

Here is Hunter man on a wooden bull.....he is so dang cute and surprisingly, that night, he wanted to take pictures.....

This is Jadyn and Hunter checking out the HUGE cow they had at the fair. we must have stood there for about 10 minutes looking at it.....Hunter was in awe of course.....

This is Hunter on his first REAL pony ride.....I wish i had a video camera.....he smiled the whole time and loved every minute of this ride....looks like a horse may be on the Christmas list in the near future.....if so, he may have to settle for riding lessons.....

Here is Hunter and Aunt Fory, as her calls her.....she took him on the carousel ride twice and he loved it. She is so great with kids, it is no wonder she was able to raise 4 of her own....

Here is Nadim, Ethan and my Grandma Liz.

Hunter was not to fond of playing the games until the squirt gun turned on and the water shot out.....this is his game face.....

This is the prize that Bop Bop (Randy) won for Hunter. Ethan grew to love it more.....he was moaking at it the entire night.....it was like his new best friend.....All and all the day was amazing....we had this killer chocolate kettlekorn, the kids got lambie blankets from my mom and we all had a blast....looking forward to next year!!!!
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